Living a tasteful life

Monday, January 1, 2018

Coming Soon!

Happy New Year! And what an exciting one it's going to be for us! Whit and I are thrilled to announce that we will be welcoming Baby Smith in June 2018!
It has been incredibly hard keeping this secret the past two months. With the holidays and all of the social activities, hiding this has taken a whole lot of effort and I'm so glad we are finally sharing the news! 

Hello second trimester! 

As of today, I'm now 14 weeks and 6 days along, with 177 days left to go.  Our due date is June 27th. I've been pretty fortunate throughout this whole process so far, regarding symptoms. The first trimester I felt a little icky but nothing too serious. I was never sick, I just had no interest food and only wanted cold things like cereal, which is totally unlike me. I also couldn't stand the thought of coffee. I was afraid my love for a good cup of joe would never return. But I'm happy to say my appetite is back and I am enjoying a cup of half calf in the mornings. I haven't really had any "cravings" yet. Although I'm embarrassed to admit the amount of extra toasty Cheez-Its I've consumed in the past few weeks. On second thought, maybe my love for those has heightened just a bit. 

I didn't realize the lack of energy I had until I all of the sudden started feeling like myself again at around 10 weeks. I was so thankful to because we had a lot going on leading up to the holidays. I've been trying to keep with my gym routine since the beginning, with slight modifications of course. I haven't been going as much as I normally do but the holidays have had a lot to do with that. I plan on getting back into my normal routine this month and I'm really looking forward to it. 

We are incredibly thankful for this blessing and are looking forward to this new journey ahead. I’ll be sharing more over the next coming weeks!



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