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Meredith Hilleary Photography Dress: Ingrid & Isabel |
It's really hard to believe that by the end of next month we will be a family of three! I've had so many emotions lately. I'm so happy and excited for this new adventure but I'm also nervous and scared of the unknown. Everyone keeps saying "you'll figure it out." I guess only time will tell, but in the meantime I've got some fun things to look forward to before baby Smiths arrival. I'm looking forward to my very first baby shower this weekend and a second one the following weekend. Also, I had a maternity photo session this past Sunday with my talented photographer, Meredith, of Meredith Hilleary Photography. Above are two sneak peak photos from the shoot. I can't wait to share them all with you as soon as I get them back. Here's an update of how things have been going.
How far along? 32 weeks and 1 day.
Baby’s size: This week baby Smith is the size of jicama.
Weight gain: 19 pounds
Energy & How I'm Feeling: I'm a slow mover these days, but not due to lack of energy, just due to my growing belly. It's tough to get moving in the mornings, but once I do I'm fine. Also, I've started to have mid afternoon back aches at work, but nothing I can't push through. I've been so lucky thus far and really can't complain.
Appetite: My cravings seem to have come back. All I want now is cereal and sandwiches, with crunchy potato chips, on the side and in the sandiwch! Or just carbs in general... I've also found several great mocktails at a few different restaurants in town. I plan to share a separate post on that later.
Workouts: I've still been spending time on the treadmill, making it to red zone about twice per week, lifting light weights and adding in a barre class here and there. Some days it feels like the biggest struggle just to walk on the treadmill because all I feel is him pressing on me which is a little uncomfortable, but I always feel better after the fact. I plan to keep going to the gym as long as my body will allow.
Sleep: There are good nights of rest and not so good nights. Falling asleep isn't the issue, it's waking up multiple times during the night to change positions or use the bathroom. Then I start thinking about all of the things that have to be done before this little ones arrives and the list is pretty long. I've also noticed that I frequently wake up in the middle of the night because my hips hurt from laying on my side.
Movement: Well, there is officially less room for him to move because he is continuing to take over my stomach, which makes the feelings a little different than before. I can feel him moving in lower parts of my stomach now. The night before last I was laying in bed and all of the sudden I saw what appeared to be a tiny bump in my stomach. I could literally see my skin poke up and it was so freaky. I don't know if it was a fist, an elbow or a foot but it was the strangest thing to see.
Wardrobe: I searched high and low for a dress to wear in my maternity shoot. Here is a link to the one I'm wearing in my photos. Note, Target has similar one for a lot less but it is super see through. I finally found a pair of white maternity jeans! I went into H&M the other weekend and there was literally one pair left, hanging on the sale rack and in my size. It was meant to be! I also snagged a pair of these light denim distress ones as well.
Nursery Updates: I finally got our custom framed artwork back and love it! Custom framing is a nightmare for an indecisive person like me, but thankfully I was happy with the finished product. It's a piece that we found on our travels to Italy and it fits perfectly in the nursery. I'm currently trying to figure out what to do about our rug situation. We left the one in there that we used when it was a guest bedroom, but after moving the furniture around, I think we may need something bigger. We also need something to go on the wall above the crib. Hopefully I will find all of these things before his arrival. I would like to have everything in place prior to that, so the search is still on.
Doctor's Visits: I'm headed back next week for an ultrasound. I can't wait to see him on the inside one last time before he comes into this world.
31 Weeks |
32 Weeks |
White jeans on repeat!
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