Living a tasteful life

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Here's to 2015

I debated on whether or not to post a list of New Year's resolutions, but honestly resolutions sound so serious and despite the good intentions, they have a reputation for not sticking. So instead I thought I would just compile a few of my thoughts for 2015 in the form of pretty images. This is not to imply that I don't have things I would like to accomplish for the New Year because I do. This is more like a year-long to do list.

I have the tendency to look back and sometimes wish I had done certain things, like starting a blog for instance. I thought about it for a while and I'm so glad that I finally did. With that being said, I plan on keeping this quote in the back of my mind.

I would like to say that I'm pretty faithful when it comes to spending time in the gym. Let's be real though, all of those food pictures on Instagram and recipes on Pinterest intrigue me. I enjoy my fair share of unhealthy food, however I would like to work on a better balance....the kind of balance I had when I was preparing for my wedding.

Guilty. Guilty of clutter and being indecisive, and according to this quote the two go hand in hand. I see some spring cleaning in my future.

I thought this was a nice compilation of things to do.

I'm looking forward to a New Year and these words of encouragement and motivation.

Wishing everyone  a safe, happy and healthy New Year!!


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